



Perioperative opioid use in US youths often not in line with guidelines

Many children and adolescents are receiving opioid prescriptions for prolonged periods after inpatient or outpatient surgical procedures, which is outside the guidelines for their use, suggests research published in JAMA Network Open. …more
Early detection of tumours in children with a cancer predisposition syndrome can be achieved with standardised surveillance protocols, US cohort study findings demonstrate. …more
Researchers have used a machine learning approach to create a panel of eight blood biomarkers that can identify people at risk for developing Parkinson’s disease up to 7 years before the first signs or symptoms. …more
The Phoenix Sepsis Score “accurately” characterises the risk of definitely attributable mortality from sepsis and the duration of intensive care unit stay in children undergoing cancer treatment who have a suspected infection, US researchers report. …more
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Lynda Williams

medwireNews Deputy Bureau Chief