Top tips on telerheumatology

We asked Chris Phillips and Aruni Jayatilleke, both authors on the American College of Rheumatology’s telemedicine position statement, to share their top tips on how to provide the best care via telemedicine. About the experts Aruni Jayatilleke Aruni Jayatilleke, MD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the Director of the Rheumatology Fellowship Program at […]
UEGW 2020 | Ultraproactive therapeutic drug monitoring does not outperform reactive in IBD

Peter Bossuyt discusses his pragmatic trial looking at the potential of ultraproactive therapeutic drug monitoring to improve infliximab dosing in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (5:38).
The DiRECT approach to weight loss: Efficacious and pragmatic

The DiRECT trial ran counter to received wisdom by advocating a very-low-calorie, total-meal-replacement diet as a means not just of weight loss but also of weight maintenance for people with type 2 diabetes. Trial dietitian Alison Barnes (Newcastle University, UK) speaks of her initial skepticism, and describes how the diet actually worked in practice as […]
A closer look at the ACR guidance on COVID-19 and rheumatology care

Speaker: Ted Mikuls In April 2020, the American College of Rheumatology issued guidance for the management of people with rheumatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. We spoke to lead author Ted Mikuls, from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in the USA, to find out more about what rheumatologists should do to best care for their patients […]
The COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance registry: What you need to know

Philip Robinson, chair of the steering committee for the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance, tells us about the initiative that will enable rheumatologists to document their patient experiences of COVID-19 and contribute to a shared learning resource (17:28). The coronavirus pandemic is affecting all healthcare professionals across the globe. Medicine Matters’ focus, in this difficult time, […]
The revolution is here: New treatments for diabetic kidney disease

Speakers: Katherine R Tuttle, Jay H Shubrook Katherine Tuttle and Jay Shubrook reconvene to discuss what the landmark findings from recent renal outcomes trials mean for clinical practice (16:51). About the experts Jay Shubrook Jay H Shubrook, DO, is a Board-Certified Family Physician and Diabetologist. He is a Professor in the Primary Care Department at […]